Clean sweep for Chatham Taekwondo Team at JSC Championships

Cobra’s Taekwondo Training Centre/ PCT Sport Taekwondo Team

Cobra’s Taekwondo Training Centre/ PCT Sport Taekwondo Team Chatham branch competed at JSC Championships held in Milton on December 5th sanctioned by the Ontario Taekwondo Association. They went 12-0 in match wins.

Kyrin Blonde (6) competed in the 6-and-under yellow belt/green stripe division  and won three matches with scores of 5-1, 10-2 and 3-0.  Jayson Reno (8) competed in the 7-8 years-old green belt/blue stripe division also claiming gold. Jayson won his first match by point gap 10-0 and the finals 9-2. Katy Kovar (8)  also competed in the 7-8 years old division but in the yellow/green stripe rank. She won both her matches with scores 9-7 and the finals was tie 5-5 with a sudden death golden point victory. 12-year-old Brandon Benoit competed in the 11-12 years old red belt/black stripe division and won both his matches with scores of 5-0 and 3-2.

Keegan Kovar (10) was the only black belt competing this day or Cobra’s Taekwondo/PCT.  His division was 10-11 black belt.He won his first two matches with scores of 6-1 and 4-2. In the finals he met up with another talented athlete that lead to an entertaining match.  Counter back kicks versus attacking 360. The final score was 10-5.

All athletes should be proud not just of the wins but the effort level that was shown that day.

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