Chlamydia holds top spot for sexually transmitted infections in Chatham-Kent

In 2014, chlamydia remained the highest reported sexually transmitted infection (STI) in Chatham-Kent.

Who is most at risk? Statistics show that 65% of positive cases in CK were between the ages of 15 to 24 and two-thirds of those were women.

Why do our rates remain high? One known reason for high rates is related to the number of tests that are done. Testing is so easy and accessible that we are seeing more people for testing, which is a positive sign.

What can you do to prevent getting chlamydia? The number one way is to abstain from sexual behaviour and another is to ensure you or your partner wears a condom every time. This will help prevent all STI’s.

What can you do if you think you have an STI like chlamydia? Call Chatham-Kent Public Health or come in to a clinic. There are clinics in Ridgetown, Blenheim, Wallaceburg and Tilbury.

Where can you find out more? Chatham-Kent Public Health provides education about transmission of chlamydia and all STIs to groups or individuals, they provide testing (it’s as easy as 1-2-pee), free treatment and condoms to help reduce the spread of infections. They can also provide resources or assistance to teachers, parents and community partners regarding healthy sexuality and STI prevention. Visit the “Start the Discussion” tab on their website for tips on talking to youth. Chlamydia is treatable, but left untreated could lead to difficulties with fertility. Get tested, get treated and practice healthy sexual behaviours.

Do you have more questions? Give CK Sexual Health a call at 519-355-1071, or email at or visit at 177 King Street E., Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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