CKPS arrest man off most wanted list

Most Wanted

A man on the most wanted list was arrested by the Chatham-Kent police yesterday.

On September 28, the man entered a fenced compound on Park Avenue West in Chatham and removed scrap copper from a large metal bin. The man was in the compound and taken into custody. He was charged with break and enter and released with a court date.

On October 20 the man failed to attend court and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Yesterday afternoon police located the man in Chatham and he was arrested on the outstanding warrants.

Andrew Sellors, 35 years, of Southend Crescent in Chatham was released with conditions pending a future court date.

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One Response to "CKPS arrest man off most wanted list"

  1. wiseguy24   November 20, 2014 at 3:57 pm

    Everytime I read this I gotta laugh so hard. Everytime they arrest someone for missing a court date they let him go again. That’ll teach um!

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