Man rolls car in drinking and driving incident: CKPS

s police 3An impaired Blenheim man rolled his car in a single-vehicle accident that police estimate caused about $60,000 in damage.

According to the Chatham-Kent police, just after 11 p.m. officers responded to the crash on Bisnette Line. The man lost control of his car, left the roadway, rolled through a ditch and came to rest in a field. The driver sustained minor injuries but refused medical treatment.

The first officer on scene believed that the man was driving his car while under the influence of alcohol and he was arrested. He was taken to police headquarters for more breath tests.

Consequently, Scott Davis, 46, of Albert Street in Blenheim has been charged with having a blood alcohol concentration exceeding the legal limit. He was released with conditions and a court date.

  • wiseguy24

    Wtf is going on with these idiots? I can’t believe the penalty for a DUI is worse than murder if convicted, yet people continue to do it.