Jaycee Play Pool opening delayed until July 8

poolThe Chatham Jaycee Play Pool is scheduled to open for the summer on Tuesday, July 8. Renovations began in early spring to upgrade the facility, at 20 Phillip Street in Chatham.

Upgrades include a new deck, pool liner, roof replacement on the change room building and adding a heating system.

A public open house was held Wednesday, February 12 to receive response from the community about the future of the Jaycee pool. Public input indicated that recreation opportunities are important to the community and that the Jaycee pool is considered to be an asset to users that appreciate or require the shallower depth that this pool offers.

For alternative swimming opportunities to start summer in Chatham-Kent, Chatham Orville Wright, Chatham Walter Hawkins, Dresden, Ridgetown, Thamesville, and Tilbury outdoor pools opening today.