Chatham-Kent Student Nutrition Program celebrates provincial funding expansion

CK student nutritionThe CK Student Nutrition Program is celebrating funding expansion for student nutrition programs of $21.7 million over the next three years announced by the Ontario government Monday.

The announcement means potentially 56,000 more students can access healthy meal and snack programs across Ontario. The CK Student Nutrition Program funds 53 programs serving 5,200 students in 51 schools across Chatham-Kent.

“I am very pleased by this new funding and what it can mean for student nutrition in Chatham-Kent,” said Elaine Lewis, Coordinator of the Chatham-Kent Student Nutrition Program

“We are celebrating this new level of commitment and look forward to working with government to grow student nutrition programs universally across the province.” said Stephanie Segave, South West Regional Manager of the Ontario Student Nutrition Program.

Provincial funding covers 15 percent of overall costs for the Ontario Student Nutrition Program. The remainder of program funding comes from parents, local fundraisers, sponsorships and grants.

“We are always trying innovative ways to assist our programs with providing nutritious food available to all students. Chatham-Kent is currently running a ten week Farm to School central procurement pilot program supplying local fruits and vegetables to eight schools with the aid of several community partners in Chatham-Kent, the Ontario Student Nutrition Program and VON, Windsor-Essex,” said Jennelle Arnew, Chatham-Kent Public Health and chair of the local Student Nutrition Partnership.