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Firefest 2012 pulls in great crowd

By Craig Hendry

Twitter @F_P_Photography

Downtown Chatham was lined with ranks of fire trucks today as the first annual Firefest 2012 took place.

Fire trucks lined King street in Chatham for Firefest 2012
Click to enlarge.
Photo by Craig Hendry

Chatham-Kent was host to the first annual Firefest 2012 on Saturday with nearly 40 fire trucks on King Street between 1st Street and 3rd Street. People lined King Street, children climbed on the fire trucks, played with the sirens and bells, and even took a ride in the air in an Entergus boom truck bucket. Chatham-Kent Fire, Police, EMS, and O.P.P. had static displays showcasing some of the equipment they use in their daily duties.

C-K firefighters held a water ball competition while Blaz’n BBQ served mouth watering ribs and pulled pork, and Frozen Frog Ice Cream served up frozen icy goodness. Union Gas was on hand giving gas locate and safety demonstrations.

C-K firefighters compete in a water ball competition in Chatham for Firefest 2012
Click to enlarge.
Photo by Craig Hendry

Rain was forecasted for most of the day, but that didn’t deter the masses from making their way to the event. The sun broke through with partly cloudy skies for the majority of the day. Near the end of the event dark grey clouds began making their way towards Chatham, eventually, making for a wet half hour. Even that didn’t kill the spirits of the the people attending the event who were anticipating the parade of fire trucks, marking the end of the Firefest 2012.

The crowd that turned out was more than organizers had expected, making for a very successful first annual Firefest 2012.

Posted September 22 2012

Fire trucks parade down Wellington Street in Chatham for Firefest 2012
Click to enlarge.
Photo by Craig Hendry

2 Responses to Firefest 2012 pulls in great crowd

  1. Rob

    September 23, 2021 at 12:06 am

    This is the place to get the emergency service news especially fire news for the municipality!!! I look forward to being brought up to speed on what is happening on a daily basis in the fire,police and EMS fields!! I enjoy reading articles by Craig, he shows great passion for emergency services workers an tells the story so well! Keep up the good work!

    • Greg Holden

      September 23, 2021 at 10:38 am

      Agreed Rob. Craig is the best in his field.