

Home » 2012 » April

Chatham man charged with forgery

A business on King Street West was broken into over the weekend and a book of cheques were taken as part of the stolen property. The next day a male party…

Local church holds small parade

  Followed by the Holy Spirit Marching Band from London, a statue representing the virgin Mary was held by four men and carried down Chatham streets on Sunday. A small crowd watched, most in curiosity, as the procession…

New Hydro rates in effect May 1

The cost of electricity rises across the province May 1 and better reflects the real cost of producing electricity, says a media spokesperson at the Ontario Energy Board. Consumers who do not have…

RCMP find stolen goods on Craigslist

On April 9, 2021 at 1130 am, the Hope RCMP investigated the theft of four tires and wheels which were stolen from two brand new vehicles off the lot of Gardner…

International museum day comes to Ridge House

Visit one of your many Chatham-Kent museums and celebrate the 35th anniversary of International Museum Day on May 18, 2012. The International Council of Museums (ICOM) established International Museum Day…

Worries about a bad needle prompt drug user to call police

Chatham-Kent police received a call on the weekend from a 41-year-old Chatham woman who reported that she had been given a bad needle to inject drugs with. What determines a…

Senior on scooter assaulted

On Saturday afternoon around in Chatham a revolting event occurred on the Third Street bridge. Two young men assaulted a 65-year-old man on a mobility scooter and caused him to drive…

Shed fire in Tilbury

Just after 8:00 P.M. Saturday the Chatham-Kent Fire Department were called to a fire in Tilbury on Goodreau Line. A shed fire was contained to a small area. Estimated damage is $10,000…

Transcom leaves Chatham

Transcom is closing its doors on April 27. Photo CKReview By Greg Holden Transcom’s doors on Richmond Street closed for the last time on Friday. The call centre had opened in Chatham in…

Sears Drama Festival: Fifth day review

By Danage (This report follows Dan Age’s coverage of the fourth day of the Sears Drama Festival found here) The Regional level of The 66th Annual Sears Drama Festival wrapped up…

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